Thursday, February 7, 2008

24 Hours: Mardi Gras: 24:00

12am. Midnight! It's over! The police come walking down Bourbon Street telling every one to go away, at least get the hell off the street.
If you don't they yell at you.

I hope you enjoyed the photos.

24 Hours: Mardi Gras: 23:00

11pm. The end is so close I can taste it, or is that just the stench of Bourbon Street. My desire to take pictures is pretty much gone. The quality, if there ever was much, is pretty much gone. I don't know why I took a picture of this dog.
Steve made this sign, so he proudly hides his face in shame and poses in front of it.

24 Hours: Mardi Gras: 22:00

10pm. Still tired but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I run into Jimmy from Denver in the bathroom line at Molly's. Me and Jimmy played phone tag for two years in Denver and we finally meet up, by chance, in New Orleans.
Outside of Molly's the crowd still gathers.
Inside it's pretty much standing room only. But it's time for me to leave and travel down the dreaded Bourbon Street.
Upon arrival of Bourbon Street we meet up with our Jesus Freaks again.
Basically all you see is large crowds from this point on.
Brilliant marketing.

24 Hours: Mardi Gras: 21:00

9pm. Molly's. I'm freaking tired. This is all you get.

24 Hours: Mardi Gras: 20:00

8pm. Really want to sleep now. Still out on Frenchman street. Thinking of walking over to Molly's.

I doubt Dean remembers this picture.

24 Hours: Mardi Gras: 19:00

7pm. Had to go back to the R Bar for a little bit. Can almost feel this thing ending.
Outside though the folks have no clear vision of the end.
Back on Frenchman again, no slow down yet.
Everyone loves fire.
A little Brazil representation.


24 Hours: Mardi Gras: 18:00

6pm. Down on Frenchman the party is going strong.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

24 Hours: Mardi Gras: 17:00

5pm. So freaking tired. But Amy Winehouse can party all night.
Zach on the attack.
Steve and one of his many faces.

Save the Cheerleader, save the world.
Humberto and his bones.

24 Hours: Mardi Gras: 16:00

4pm. The music and dancing won't stop on the streets, this day seems to last forever. I take another 5 Hour Energy drink and try to keep on truckin'.

Inside The R Bar I run into Simon as The Greatest American Hero. Except he's from South Africa.

24 Hours: Mardi Gras: 15:00

3pm. I'm ready to crack at this point. Getting very tired. Here Mark poses with Zach and Christine.
Ryan is a nerd.
Mark makes ugly faces behind Glen at the R Bar.
Timmy shows up as Eco-Elvis...Vegan Las Vegas!
Karl says hi to Tim.
A rare picture with me.

24 Hours: Mardi Gras: 14:00

2pm, inside One Eyed Jacks here. Sheriff Harry Lee, and I'm not sure what Dana is. Some sort of pixie fairy or something.
Outside people danced...
musicians played...
and people learned how to make music.
Inside our heroes had drinks.
They should have been outside because hooligans were running the streets.
The band marched on.

Vaughn scares little children.
A clash between the jesus freaks and the marching band is coming.
There was some pushing around.
In the end they had more souls to save.
and the band played on.